While much of what IPA does to help state parks and nature preserves are statewide efforts, each year we provide grants to individual properties for specific projects. Some are standalone projects and some are donations to larger projects that a local friends group is working on. IPA recently announced the recipients of its 2019 project grants.
- Friends of Ft. Harrison State Park-$1,600 (to be matched by the friends group) for purchase of a water fountain for the Shafter Recreation Area, which lacks one now. The new ADA compliant fountain will be a combination of a standard drinking fountain with a bottle filling station and a ground level bowl for use by dogs.
- Friends of the Limberlost-$850 for a kiosk and interpretive sign at the Limberlost Swamp Wetland Preserve near Geneva, where there is currently a parking lot but no interpretive materials.The grant will cover the materials, with the friends group and DNR staff supplying the labor for construction.
- Friends of Shakamak-$1,000 (to be matched by the friends group) for two kayak launches on lakes within the park. The launches will enable users to launch kayaks more safely and conveniently.
- Friends of Spring Mill State Park-$1,550 (to be supplemented by the friends group) for planting of native trees in public areas to replace ash trees killed by the emerald ash borer. Volunteers from the friends group and local boy scouts will provide labor to plant the trees.