Ronald Hellmich, Director DNR Division of Nature Preserves
The Division of Nature Preserves proposed, and the Natural Resources Commission approved five nature preserve dedications in 2024. These include 4 new nature preserves and one addition to an existing nature preserve.
The addition is Granville Sand Barrens Roy Whistler Addition Nature Preserve. Owned and managed by NICHES Land Trust, it is located in Tippecanoe County and adds 37 acres to the existing 40 acres at Granville Sand Barrens. This addition contains sand barrens and mesic floodplain forest and protects several rare species.
Wea Creek Gravel Hill Prairie, owned and managed by the DNR Division of Nature Preserves, is located in Tippecanoe County as well. This preserve is just 2 acres in size but protects a gravel slope barrens and several species uncommon to Indiana. Due to its small size, sensitive character, and lack of access, it is closed at this time to public visitation.
Eagle Lake Nature Preserve, owned and managed by the DNR Division of Fish and Wildlife, is located in Noble County and protects 145 acres. It contains marl flats, fens, sedge meadows and woodland natural communities. It includes most of the shoreline of Eagle Lake and an island in the lake.
Barnes-Seng Nature Preserve, owned and managed by the DNR Division of Fish and Wildlife, is located in Dubois County and protects 172 acres. It harbors a southern bottomland mostly comprised of wet-mesic floodplain forest with a diverse mix of southern trees and a large shrub swamp.
Fern Station Nature Preserve, owned and managed by the Central Indiana Land Trust, Inc., protects 568 acres of forest interior habitat in Putnam County. Purchased with the help of the Next Level Conservation Trust it was the largest acquisition project for this Governors initiative. The forest is dominated by white oak, beech and hickory and is rich with woodland bird species including wood thrush, Acadian flycatcher, Kentucky warblers and Northern parula.