Indiana State Parks and Nature Preserves:
Celebrating Today – Envisioning the Future
February 16, 2017
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. EST
Register now to join the Webinar!
Who can join the conversation?
Anyone can listen, watch and ask questions, including state park and nature preserve users, students, educators, university classes, media, legislators and all who are interested in our Indiana State Parks and state-owned Nature Preserves present day operations and future success.
What is the discussion about?
There are three key topics that will be discussed by panelists in the webinar. They include:
• The Big Picture (State Parks and state-owned Nature Preserves today)
• Present Day Success and Challenges
• Outdoor Recreation Trends and Impacts on State Parks and Nature Preserves
The Webinar:
• Mike Murphy. Mike is a Senior Vice President at Hirons, Inc. He served as a state legislature for 16 years. Mike will serve as the webinar’s moderator.
• John Davis. John is the Deputy Director for the Land Management Team in the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, John’s long career in public service has included work at INDOT and as the Director of the Division of Land Acquisition in DNR.
• Jerry Pagac. Jerry was most recently the Executive Director of Illinois’ Champaign County Preserve District. He was the Director of Indiana State Parks from 1989-2006 and the Director of the Division of Outdoor Recreation prior to that. He is a member of the Indiana Parks Alliance Board of Directors.
• Tom Hohman. Tom is the retired Director of DNR’s Division of Engineering. He worked for DNR for 38 years. Tom is the President of the Indiana Parks Alliance.
• John Goss. John has served as the Asian Carp Project Director for the Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Director of the Indiana Wildlife Federation, Director of the IDNR, and Director of the Indiana Office of Tourism Development. He is a member of the Indiana Parks Alliance Board of Directors.
*Please check back closer to the date of the event for a link and instructions to join the Webinar.