- In 2007, 1.4% of the State of Indiana’s total expenditures and general fund expenditures were for Conservation and Environment. In 2015 only 1.0% of total expenditures and 0.6% of general fund expenditures will be for Conservation and Environment. (Source: Indiana State Budget Agency web site)
- The Department of Natural Resources reverted over $100 million dollars in unspent funds from the legislative approved budgets for the fiscal years 2008-2013. (Source: Indiana State Budget Agency web site)
- The number of properties Division of State Parks manages has increased from 27 to 32 since 1988, while the number of full-time staff has decreased from 385 to 367 positions. However (as of January, 2015) approximately 40 of those full-time positions were being held vacant due to lack of funds. The average number of full-time staff per State Park property (if all positions were filled) has decreased from 14 in 1988 to 11 today.
- The number of Division of Nature Preserves owned and managed properties has increased from 17 in 1988 to 70 today. While the number of regional ecologists managing those properties has increased from 3 in 1988 to 8 today, each one must manage an average of 8.75 properties today, compared with 5.7 in 1988.
- As of January 15, 2015, 15% of Dept. of Natural Resources positions were being held vacant due to lack of funds. The percentage for State Parks was 13% and for Nature Preserves 18%.
- The average Dept. of Natural Resources vehicle is 11 years old.
Tom Hohman’s presentation to the 2015 House Ways & Means Committee, hearing public testimony on the state budget bill.
February 11, 2015
Click here for the transcript of Tom’s presentation.